
Level Design

We design, greybox, playtest, iterate, and create levels in a variety of 3D and 2D programs, such as Unity, Unreal, LDTK, Blender and more. We work closely with programmers, artists, designers, writers and producers to ensure the highest quality levels and maps created showcase and highlight the other teams’ works in ways they couldn’t imagine. 


Narrative Design

Whether or not the game spans multiple levels or has the player go on a long journey, your game is still going to need a narrative that keeps the player engaged. By tying it all together in a way that makes sense, while surprising them with interesting and creative encounters, we can ensure your players are invested in your game every step of the way. 


Game Design

We understand the ins and outs of video games and the things that make them fun. We coordinate with the various teams and leads regularly in order to properly communicate the best designs that fit the game. We also create thorough Design Documentation that highlight the most up-to-date design notes for extra clarity for the entire team at all times. 


Community Marketing

Building a strong community for your games helps you build up hype for your projects, which lead to guaranteed sales when your games release. Use different social media platforms (such as Discord, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc.) to spread the word on your projects, generate hype, and host events to build a healthy and active community. 


Game Production

In order to make sure your game releases on time with minimal bugs, we communicate and coordinate with all development teams to mitigate any potential roadblocks. We also collaborate with the team leads to set up a production schedule for project deliverables. We’re familiar with kanban, agile, scrum and waterfall methodologies and will work with your team to find the best fit for the project’s workflow. 


Quality Assurance

The best games have a solid QA team behind them, verifying all of the hard work the development teams put into it. We thoroughly test all of the game’s features and communicate any issues we find to the appropriate teams. Our QA squad also coordinates and collaborates closely with the development teams to help implement the best fixes as quickly as possible. 


Consultation and more...

Unsure where to go next with your project?
Don’t worry, we got your back there too.
We combine all of our knowledge on the skills mentioned above to inform you on what the next steps should be for your project, and how to identify and navigate through any potential pitfalls. 

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